Yoga FAQ

How often should I attend?

We encourage a regular practice of 2 or 3 times per week, but consistency is the key. If you can only do one practice a week but you can maintain it on a regular basis, you’re more likely to see the benefits of Yoga than if you go hard for a few weeks and then stop altogether for a few. As with anything, creating lasting change in your body and your life takes time. Allow yourself go at whatever pace you can maintain and gradually build from there. Yoga is a lifelong practice so there’s no need to rush!

When you begin to use your body in new ways, you may experience some muscle soreness. This is just your body’s way of telling you that you are on your way to rediscovering the full range of motion that it was designed for. The best way to alleviate any pain is to keep your body moving. Gently warming up your muscles and continuing to explore the postures will help your body to adjust. It may seem counterintuitive to do more of what caused the soreness, but it will help. Keep at it! If you wait too long to come back you may be starting all over again.

What should I do after class?

  • Clean your mat.
  • Put your mat and props away in the designated areas.
  • Drink plenty of water to help flush some of the toxins out of your body and help it run smoothly.
  • Chat to your classmates.
  • Talk to the teacher or staff if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Check out the notice boards to see what upcoming workshops or social events there are.
  • Come back soon, even if you’re sore.
  • Ring your friends and get them to come with you tomorrow!
  • Relax in an Epsom salt bath to relieve sore or tired muscles.

What are some of the benefits of Yoga?

  • Reduced stress
  • Increased vitality, energy, relaxation
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Well-lubricated joints
  • Increased muscle strength around joints to provide support when they are under pressure
  • Improved strength and flexibility which reduces the risk of injury, or re-injury
  • Improved immunity (i.e. getting sick less often, if at all)
  • Reduced symptoms of many chronic diseases (e.g. arthritis and thyroid disorders)
  • A sense of well being that spreads into your daily life.