~ contributed by Urban Yogi Dan Jacka ~ “Are you any good?” is a common question when people find out that you’re a skateboarder. “Good enough to have fun!” is my standard honest-yet-noncommittal answer. After having children though, I wondered…
~ contributed by Urban Yogi Dan Jacka ~ “Are you any good?” is a common question when people find out that you’re a skateboarder. “Good enough to have fun!” is my standard honest-yet-noncommittal answer. After having children though, I wondered…
By MaiLynn Stormon-Trinh I’m not sure what circumstances or intentions brought others to the Urban Yoga studio for Yoga by the Glass. I, however, couldn’t resist an opportunity to combine two of my favourite things. Although I’ve enjoyed both for…
It’s a phrase I hear all the time in our community, “Whatever happened to _______ who used to be here all the time?”. Wellington is vibrant, exciting and ever-changing and it’s people are movers and shakers. Unfortunately for us, sometimes…
I was diagnosed with clinical depression at 16. After years of doctors visits, and stints with various anti-depressants, in September last year I made the decision to go completely off any medication to free my body of needing a pill…
Yoga has had a presence in my life for over 10 years. But has it really? We often hear about personal discoveries or ‘a-ha’ moments on the yoga mat, but it wasn’t until about a year ago that I had…
The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards (Simon & Schuster, 2012) Reviewed by Kirsten Johnstone William J Broad had the worldwide yoga community all bent out of shape earlier this year when The New York Times – where he…