Urban Yoga

My First Time

Yoga has had a presence in my life for over 10 years.  But has it really? We often hear about personal discoveries or ‘a-ha’ moments on the yoga mat, but it wasn’t until about a year ago that I had

The Science of Yoga: REVIEW

The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards (Simon & Schuster, 2012) Reviewed by Kirsten Johnstone William J Broad had the worldwide yoga community all bent out of shape earlier this year when The New York Times – where he


Yoga!?  Well, what is there to say? I’m struggling to get beyond the fact that it’s a good idea and we should probably be doing some more of it.  It kind of doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a power yoga practice

Aly’s Wisdom

I came to this mat because I was seeking  something, but I was told we are not moved to silence in our seeking  we are always moving away from it we ARE silence  we are stillness this is how we experience   noise and movement

Monday Morning ‘Miracle’

It was dark. It was cold. It was Monday morning. The heat pump had not quite taken all the chill out of the lounge. And I had a headache. I contemplated taking a couple of panadol and skipping my morning

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